Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Search for the Royal Owl

Buho Real (Royal Owl) is the Spanish name for Eurasian Eagle Owl and a text from my good friend Fran, saw us heading out to the hills surrounding our home town Oliva at dusk. Fran had been out previously listening for Eagle Owls as they are quite vocal now getting ready to nest with their mate, and had some success. So we arrived at the base of the hill and waited in anticipacion until the light started to fade, seeing a pair of Kestrels, several Song Thrushes, Sardinian Warbler and a Wren. We heard a low deep hoot in the distance and our attention was definitely grabbed. Then from down the valley a huge bird flew towards us -  a male Eagle Owl but it frustratingly landed out of site above where we were standing! The female then flew across the valley and landed in full view in the entrance to a small cave, where she stayed. This was superb and to add to this excellent event a Eurasian Woodcock flew right over our heads, only my second ever in Spain. It was now too dark to see but the night sky was bright so we spent our last couple of minutes watching Jupiter and its moons through the telescope. A fabulous couple of hours.

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