Monday, July 16, 2012

Southern Turkey

In May a fortnight was spent in Southern Turkey, where we had an incredible time seeing in excess of 200 bird species plus other mammals, reptiles, amphibians and butterflies. Our two weeks were spent at many of the excellent coastal wetlands finding Great Sandplover, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Grey-headed (Purple) Swamp-hen, Moustached Warbler and Black Francolin. We visited the hills of Durnalik for Upcher's Warbler, Kurdish Wheatear, Cinereous Bunting, White-throated Robin, Bimaculated Lark and even watched a Smooth Snake being harassed by an Eastern Rock Nuthatch. Further east around Biricik we visited the Northern Bald Ibis colony, found a day-roosting Striated Scop's Owl, Iraq Babbler and Chestnut-shouldered Petronia and on the plains saw 2 Cream-coloured Coursers, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Trumpeter Finch, Pale Rock Sparrow, See-see Partridge and the rare Goitered Gazelle. Although for most the highlight of the holiday was our visit to the Ala Daglar Mountains where we got brilliant views of Caspian Snowcock, Radde's and Alpine Accentors, Wallcreeper, Red-fronted Serins, White-winged Snowfinch, Alpine Chough and 2 Lammergeiers. However it wasn't just about the wildlife as we even managed a couple of nights in Cappadocia, where we marvelled at the incredible scenery created by the famous 'fairy chimneys' of volcanic tuff and basalt. Waking up in our cave hotel to a still calm morning with the many hot-air balloons floating over the bizarre landscape was quite breath-taking.

Rose Valley, Cappadocia

Kruper's Nuthatch

Ala Daglar Mountains

Love Valley, Cappadocia

Caspian Snowcock

Punk Chaffinch!

Starred Agamas


Long-legged Buzzard 

Oertzami's Rock Lizard

White breasted Kingfisher

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