Sunday, December 30, 2012

Iberian Lynx (C. Maughan Jan. 2012)

Dear Friends
Happy New Year to you all and I hope you have a fabulous 2013.

As you may or may not know I have been very lucky to have visited the Sierra de Andujar, home of the world's rarest cat - Iberian Lynx and having seen this iconic and beautiful mammal I would like to contribute to its continued revival throughout Iberia. 'Life Lince' is the organisation, which has been at the forefront of this and information on their activities can be found here.

during 2013 I am doing an 'Annual Birdrace' within Spain. This essentially is trying to see as many species as possible throughout the year in this country. Do to my other work commitments sadly I won't be in Spain for the whole 365 days but with my schedule of holidays and short breaks I will be visiting many different regions and habitats, and my target is to see in excess of 300 species.

If you would like to sponsor me either per species or a one-off donation please send me a message here or through the website. I am sponsoring myself for 1 euro/species and have already had some incredible pledges with 100 euros from two of my friends - Chris Laurie & Julie Eccles, plus and incredible 500 euros from Andy Carroll of ACE Surveyors.   These are exceptional and any contributions you pledge are all very generous and most welcome - THANK YOU...

I have a 'pot pig bank', which I have been saving my spare coins in until now as its full and ready for emptying. Over the next couple of weeks I counting the contents and announcing the amount on Sunday 13th January.
This is also when I will be hosting a quiz and raffle at my local bar and all proceeds from this event will be added to the amount in the pig bank and sent to Life Lince.

If you're in Oliva please feel free to come and join in - Bar Amigos in San Roc Square from 8pm.

If anyone would like to guess the amount, the nearest will get £50 off their next holiday booked through Julian Sykes Wildlife. To do this is totally free just e-mail or text me a figure - SIMPLES!

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